Instructions for applying for Gramex funds

How to apply online

Prepare yourself by writing your project description and your budget, so that you can quickly "cut" and paste the text (copy-paste) into the different fields in the application. If several musicians are involved in the project, please ensure that you have their information ready as well. When applying for a release grant, you should make a title list of the songs you intend to record.

You log in to with NemID and fill in your data.

On the next tab,  please choose either "create a new application" or choose one that you have already created (they have an automatically given number).

The next tab is called PURPOSE and here you need to choose which pool you are applying for:

  • Other music promotion actions: Special measures at home and abroad, establishing, “Vækstlag” project, festivals, etc.
  • Professional development: continuing education/courses/stays of musical nature for educational or inspirational purposes.
  • Concerts: live performance of music in Denmark.
  • Music releases: master tape recording, VINYL/CD/DVD publishing (additional releases).

The next tab is called PROJECT. This is where you name the project and make a short and concise description of it.

Hereafter you will find the MUSICIANS tab, where you state the number of  participating musicians as well as their information.

Next comes the BUDGET tab, where you can enter expenses and income respectively, as well as the amount you are applying for.

Then you will find the ATTACHMENTS tab, where you can upload additional attachments (Remember: audio as MP3 and text as PDF).

Last but not least - SUBMIT from the last tab: Before you click "Approve and submit", please make sure you have got everything.

It is possible to interrupt the application mid-way and complete it later. The entered data is saved.

But please remember: You cannot modify your application once it has been sent.

You will receive an email confirming that we have received your application, which has now also been given an automatically generated journal number!

Please note that the amount – if you are given a grant– must be used within 1 year and will be reported to SKAT (taxes) under your CPR (soc. or CVR (business You will therefore be taxed on the amount.